Jaw surgery, also known as orthognathic surgery, is recommended when your oral health, function and appearance are affected by problems that more conservative treatments cannot resolve. Jaw surgery is typically used to correct abnormalities such as:

Our orthodontists and team use the latest treatment techniques, materials and technologies when planning and providing your surgical procedure, and work closely with oral surgeons who perform the orthognathic surgery. Prior to providing any treatment, we will thoroughly evaluate your mouth to determine if jaw surgery is right for you. We will review the procedure with you so that you understand the care you will be receiving and how it will benefit your oral health and function. We will also take steps to ensure that you remain comfortable throughout your treatment, and we will provide you with post-op instructions afterwards to help you heal and recover. We are committed to helping you regain healthy jaw function.

For more information about orthognathic surgery and to schedule a consultation with our orthodontists, please contact our office today.